Things don't take time, they take people.

And the way people use their time has a direct impact on business outcomes.

Talk with us to find out how.

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Help your people use their time better. Let's talk.

Recover 25% of misused time.

Submit your information and we'll be in touch to schedule a call to discuss how we can support you and your people

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The Statistics on Wasted Time at Work

Wasted time is the invisible business expense that needs to be solved.

25% of each employee's salary is wasted. 

What's 25% of your employee salary expense?

And do you want to recover it?

Yes, I do!
No, keep wasting it

Delivering results to over 100 business owners and team members

100% Recommend

"My biggest takeaway has been how my thoughts reflect on time and my productivity. The 1:1 coaching sessions taught me ways to celebrate myself in the work that I do and helped boost my confidence both at a personal and professional level. I am feeling more in control with my actions when it comes to work. I would 100% recommend Time Hackers, especially to those who have just graduated and started their professional career fulltime in a corporate setting."

Nanu, International DEI Team, Natixis Investment Managers

Energized Instead of Depleted

"If you are someone that struggles to switch off and has the ‘work harder’ strategy that is burning you out then you need to give Time Hackers a go. The simple techniques will have you doing twice as much in half the time and feeling energised instead of depleted. Time Hackers has helped me to change my relationship with fear so I can use it rather than it hold me back. I use the Time Hacker tools daily in my job as a Detective on Child Protection and in my Coaching business." 

Jonny, Detective on Child Protection Services & Coach


"We hired Time Hackers to speak at our Women's Leadership Group, which consists of women in varying industries and positions of leadership. We all had preconceived ideas of time management, lack of time, and how to use to-do lists. Vikki brought a mindblowing perspective to our assumptions about what has to be done, and by when. Her teaching challenges the status quo in the best of ways: to creatively be more effective, and not just continue with outdated models of productivity."

Jo, Founder, Brave Women Leadership 

Are you seeing these trends?

"Work that used to take days now takes me hours to finish. Using the Time Hackers program, I restructured my workdays to focus on creating value and increasing productivity. Despite managing a growing team and a $120M portfolio with multiple projects and clients, I don’t feel controlled by my calendar or exhausted."

Emily, Senior Manager, Ignite Digital Services

Find Out More

Time Hacking is the future of work

At Time Hackers, we've helped over 100 business owners, executive leaders, and employees use their time more effectively to drive growth in company revenue, team morale, and achieve their goals faster.

Your teams will be better connected, higher functioning, and have increased synergy.

Individuals will have faster turnaround time, increased loyalty, and higher performance.

This is Time Hacking, this is how your people will achieve more, faster.

The Time Hacker Program Overview


  • Build the skill of decision making
  • Have confidence in your decisions
  • Eliminate indecision and decision delay


  • Build the skill of stress management
  • Manage busyness and overwhelm
  • Create a strategy to prevent burnout


  • Use your time effectively
  • Increase performance & ROI
  • Eliminate time wasted


  • Measure & evaluate decisions to course correct
  • Manage failure & fears that arise from progress
  • Accelerate career development

We do this through workshops, group coaching, roundtable facilitation, keynotes, and 1:1 coaching for leaders, teams, early careers/new professionals, and employee resource groups.

Delivering results to over 100 business owners and team members

Highly Recommend

"The Time Hackers group coaching workshop was inspiring, thought-provoking, and engaging. One of my biggest takeaways from the workshop is that it's me who's responsible, rather than "time". I'm looking forward to improving my mindset around time, especially with how I can come at the task from a place of desire. I highly recommend the Time Hackers program to other leaders." 

Eve, Founder, Bundlee

Insightful, Refreshing, Productive

"The Time Hacker workshop and training was insightful, refreshing and productive. We don't need to be perfect planners to get organized and it is possible to create space for ourselves... today! The interactive style of learning was engaging and powerful and I highly recommend Time Hacking to any forward-thinking leaders and teams that want to create successful weeks without working out of hours, or feeling guilty for letting certain things go."

Nimisha, President, Head of Investments (North America), Willis Towers Watson

Immediate Long Term Impact

"My 1:1 coach made it easy to chat about anything. Every topic discussed during our 1:1 sessions has had an immediate and long term impact on me professionally. The short nature of the sessions can be really helpful to nip an issue in the bud without it taking up a big chunk of the day. My coach has helped me with better use of my time, positively impacting me both physically and mentally."

Christie, Project Manager, Sodexo 

Be More Productive With a Time Coach

Your top employees have the potential to be 3x more effective than the "average" employee

Your best employees want the support to work better.

It’s your responsibility to provide it to them.

Your best employees want to overdeliver.

Are you giving them the tools to do this?

Your best employees will stay where they are valued and supported in their ambitious goals.

Partnering with Time Hackers is how you support them and their goals.

A few of the companies we've worked with

Delivering results to over 100 business owners and team members

I'd Recommend!

"Vikki spoke at Canvas8's International Women's Day event and would highly recommend her to other brands and agencies. She presented in a very relaxed and approachable manner, providing insights and presented research to back up her findings. I'd recommend Vikki as a speaker on the issue of the gender gap, women empowerment and the topic of time-hacking. Thanks again for a great presentation!." 

Lowri, Senior Network Manager, Canvas8

Reflective, Enlightening & Bonding

"I found Vikki's group workshop to be reflective, enlightening and bonding"

Elysha, Blood Good Period

Instantly Calmed me Down

"At Prowess Project, we LOVED Vikki's session on Time Hacking. There were so many great reminders and different perspectives packed into a short time. It instantly calmed me down. After the event we all agreed that you are the 4-hour work week but written specifically for women. I highly recommend this workshop, thank you again."

Ashley, CEO and Founder Prowess Project

Download our brochure learn more about how Time Hackers can help your organisation and people.

Or click here if you’re ready to dive in and talk with us.